Forums » Internal Medicine - Small Animal

Diabetic Dog With Cutaneous Lesions

  • November 1, 2015 1:05 PM EST

    November is National Pet Diabetes Month and an opportune time to buff up on some case based learning on the topic of Diabetes Mellitus in dogs and cats. Michael Schaer, DVM, DACVIM, DACVECC presented on this topic (4.8 / 5 star rating!!), and it remains available for viewing on demand.

    This is an introduction to one of the cases he discusssed. "Caesar" is an 11 year old, MN, Lab mix.

    His past history: A 10 month history of skin problems. The referring veterinarian made a presumptive diagnosis of pemphigus foliaceus (without a biopsy to confirm), and treated him with prednisone. The dog became a diabetic after 6 months of oral corticosteroid therapy. The dog was then started on treatment for diabetes mellitus and corticosteroids were eventually discontinued.

    He was subsequently referred for a specialist's evaluation, as his diabetes was difficult to control. On examination, his physical findings included:

    • Weakness when walking
    • Normal TPR
    • Normal chest auscultation and abdominal palpation
    • All paws were swollen, inflamed, and painful
    • Paw skin was ulcerated and proliferative
    • Decreased muscle mass and emaciation


    What's on the list of differential diagnoses for this patient?

    • 406 posts
    November 9, 2015 9:58 AM EST

    Dr. Michael Schaer reveals the findings of a dermatology consultation for this patient: