Forums » Behavior

Behavior Problems and the Impact on the Human-Animal Bond

    • 419 posts
    April 10, 2023 11:19 AM EDT

    Behavior problems in companion animals are among the primary reasons for relinquishment of pets to shelters and they commonly lead to euthanasia of pets. It has been suggested that euthanasia for behavior problems occurs more commonly than for all medical reasons combined, and that behavior problems are the leading killer of pets.

    In this 4-part series Dr. Emma Grigg, PhD, CAAB discusses the impact of pet behavior problems on pet owners as well as the human-animal bond. She shares tips for discussing animal behavior with owners, communicating about different types of training methods, options for dealing with pets with severe behavior problems including euthanasia, and how to support and help clients cope with the decision to euthanize a pet as a means for dealing with severe behavior problems.

    Earn up to 1.75 hours of AAVSB RACE, NY State and NJVMA-approved CE credit.

    Approved for CEU credit for animal behavior consultants by CCPDT.

    • Part I: Navigating the Minefield: Communicating with clients about dog training techniques (Running time: 27 mins)  Read More & Register >

    • Part II: Talking about behavior problems with your clients (Running time: 23 mins)  Read More & Register >

    • Part III: Euthanasia for Severe Behavior Problems - Part I: Building Compassion (Running time: 16 mins)  Read More & Register >

    • Part IV: Euthanasia for Severe Behavior Problems - Part II: Helping Clients Cope (Running time: 23 mins)  Read More & Register >