November 28, 2016 1:33 AM EST
Hi, I'd like to give a little hope for those clients and professionals faced with canine lymphoma (LSA). Quality of life is the ultimate goal, and some of us have been fortunate with treatment to get both quality and quantity well beyond the statistical averages. There are many owners in a global canine LSA group whose dogs have lived 3 - 9+ years beyond diagnosis.
My own Labrador "Fauna" was dx'd in August 2008 with multicentric b-cell LSA, Stage II-IIIb and is now 8.25 years since diagnosis - way out on the statistical bell-shaped curve! She almost 6 yo and is now dealing with old age issues but not LSA at age 14 yr 1.5 months. Our remaining time with her is quite limited, but for now she is still enjoying life.
a client's Sheltie dx'd with multicentric b-cell LSA, Stage II-IIIa lived 5 years post-dx/tx
a 12 yo Frenchie multicentric b-cell LSA is over 9.5 years post-dx and has my dog beat!
several other group members have b-cell LSA dogs which have lived up to 5 years post-dx
"Bree" in the LSA documentary "My Friend: Changing the Journey" lived 7+ years post-dx
t-cell - some have had 2.5 year or more survivorship
Just a sampling of what can happen with treatment, committed owners, communication and teamwork! --Kathy Beil-Morgan