Publications  » Behavior  » Separation, Confinement, or Noises: What Is Scaring That Dog?

Separation, Confinement, or Noises: What Is Scaring That Dog?

  • Title: Separation, Confinement, or Noises: What Is Scaring That Dog?
  • Description:
    Vet Clin of No Amer: Sm Anim Pract, May 2018, Vol 48(3), pp 367-386.  Author: Kelly C. Ballantyne

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  • Category: Behavior

  • Abstract / Overview:
  • Separation anxiety and noise aversions are 2 of the most common welfare issues affecting pet dogs. Despite the high prevalence of these conditions, many affected dogs do not receive treatment. Separation anxiety, noise aversions, and confinement distress may be comorbid with each other and with other behavioral issues. A behavioral history and video can help confirm the diagnosis. Treatment with psychopharmaceuticals and behavior modification is recommended to improve the affected dog’s welfare. 




    - Introduction: Terminology; Signs of fear in dogs; Separation Anxiety; Confinement Distress; Noise Aversions; Comorbidity

    - The Behavioral History

    - Differential Diagnoses

    - Physical Examination and Diagnostics

    - Treatment Goals

    - Pharmacologic Strategies & Drugs

    - Nonpharmaceutical Treatments: Behavioral Management

    - Follow-up

    - Treatment Adjustments

    - Summary 

    - References