Publications  » Behavior  » The effect of a pressure wrap (Thundershirt) on heart rate and behavior in canines diag...

The effect of a pressure wrap (Thundershirt) on heart rate and behavior in canines diagnosed with anxiety disorder

  • Title: The effect of a pressure wrap (Thundershirt) on heart rate and behavior in canines diagnosed with anxiety disorder
  • Description:
    Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 9(2014), pp 215-221.  Authors:  C. King, L. Buffington, T.J. Smith, T. Grandin.

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  • Category: Behavior

  • Abstract / Overview:
  • The effect of moderate-to-deep pressure on soft tissue has been studied in both humans and nonhuman animals with positive results shown in reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation. Canine anxiety disorders are often treated with medications and behavior modification programming. Pressure wraps are sometimes used to treat canine anxiety, but the effects of this investigation have not been rigorously investigated. The aims of this study were to investigate the use of a pressure wrap (ThunderShirt; ThunderWorks, Durham, NC) on heart rate and behavior in dogs diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.