Continuing Education  » Human-Animal Bond  » Human-Animal Bond: Companioning Pet Families After Loss

Human-Animal Bond: Companioning Pet Families After Loss

CE Event Information

  • Description:
    Being in the presence of someone who is in the midst of their grief can be uncomfortable or awkward for some people, as they often have a fear of saying something that will leave the grieving individual feeling worse. In this segment - Part 2 of a 2-part series - Kathryn Jennings (a certified pet loss professional with a certificate in death and grief studies) discusses the concept of companioning grieving individuals after the death of their pet. Discussion includes the emotions of grief, the six needs of mourning, and how to best support pet families after loss including word choice considerations when trying to lend support.

    Running time: 35 mins  
  • Sponsor: ASPCA Pet Health Insurance, CAETA
  • Presenter(s): Kathryn M. Jennings, CPFE, CPLP