Continuing Education  » Anesthesia  » Anesthesia Monitoring - Hypotension FAQs

Anesthesia Monitoring - Hypotension FAQs

CE Event Information

  • Description:
    Not eligible for CE credit.

    In this Ask the Expert segment, Dr. Lydia Love answers some frequently asked questions related to anesthesia and blood pressure monitoring including:

    - If a patient has a normal or high blood pressure reading, it is safe to assume that they have good oxygen delivery to tissues, correct?

    - If I can palpate a dorsal pedal or metatarsal pulse I can safely assume that my patient's blood pressure is okay, right?

    - If a patient is critically ill and our hospital does not have specific equipment for assessing arterial blood pressure, is there any way that we could use a sphygmomanometer to try and obtain that information?

    Running time: 3 minutes

    Member Fee: 99¢; Free registration for Premium VetVine Membership subscribers
  • Sponsor: VetVine
  • Presenter(s): Lydia Love, DVM, DACVAA
  • Fee (Basic Membership): $0.99

Featured Publications

The following journal articles or textbook chapters have been selected as Supplements to this event. You can elect to purchase them as part of a discounted seminar package fee.
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  • Anesthesia in the Critically Ill Patient

    Small Animal Critical Care Medicine (2nd ed), 2015, Chap 143, pp 759-766. Author: J Quandt. Member Fee: $7.95 - Login to Purchase