Continuing Education

Cardiac Biomarker NT-proBNP and Respiratory Distress - Is it cardiac disease or a noncardiac problem?

CE Event Information

  • Description:
    NT-proBNP is a natriuretic peptide that can be assayed to augment the data evaluated in dogs with (or suspected of having) heart disease. This information can help guide the clinician in their therapy of patients.

    In this Evidence Based Update, there is discussion of the findings recently published regarding the utility and specificity of a 2nd generation NT-proBNP ELISA assay for discriminating between cardiac and noncardiac causes for respiratory distress and heart disease severity in dogs.

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    Running time: 7 mins

    Fee: $9.95; *Free for new Members, Unlimited Plus Members, and Members with an Evidence Based Update Subscription.
  • Sponsor: VetVine Specialty Consulting Service
  • Presenter(s): Elisabeth Zenger, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (SAIM)
  • Fee (Basic Membership): $9.95